14 JUly Current Affairs PDF Download

1. Which company has launched a new AI-based notes app called NotebookLM ? A) Google B) Microsoft C) Apple D) Tata ANSWER= (A) Google Points:--- • Google • Founded – 4 Sept 1998 • Founders – Larry Page & Sergey Brin • HQ – California, USA • CEO – Sundar Pichai • Parent Organization – Alphabet INC. Check Answer 2.In which country the Para Athletics World Championship 2023 was held ? A) Japan B) Brazil C)France D) None of these ANSWER= (c)France Points:- India's Nishad Kumar has clinched a silver medal in the ongoing Para Athletics World Championships 2023 in Paris, France. Check Answer 3. Which Country to host ASEAN Countries Conference on Traditional Medicines ? A) China B) India

How much Google AdSense pay for 4second ads

 How much google AdSense pay for 4 second ads

How much Google AdSense pay for 4 second ads

Now Google AdSense is the most trusted and high revenue generating AdSense in the world.
Your website can generate money outside from your core business. It is very simple and reliable to use . Now Google AdSense AdSense is one of the most effective and high revenue generate medium . The Google AdSense is different from other AdSense. Google AdSense is most trusted and famous AdSense in the world. Google AdSense is a Google product that enables publishers to earn money by displaying ads on their website, blog, or YouTube videos. You get paid by Google when visiter click on the ads or based on ads Impression, according to which the types of ads show in your website, blog, YouTube channel etc .

The advertisement can be in the form of Text , image, video's or interactive media. These ads are selected by an automated ads auction systems. The auction selects the highest bidder among bidding users of Google AdWords.

The website Google select ads area in your website, blog, YouTube channel etc and placed ads in appropriate location, in the form of Auto ads or manual ads . For placing Google ads you should able to fulfill Google's guidelines. Now I described it

You must be the owner of your site and control it.

You must be over 18+ years old .

Your contain in your site must be unique and attractive.

You site can't generate fake traffic.

Your contain must be full fill under Google contain policy.

Your side should be under Google company like YouTube or blogger.

Your site contains helpful and user friendly contain.

Your site can't related to sexual activity.

Your site has more organic traffic.

Your site must be at least 6 months old.

Google AdSense has placed ads in your site in different types of ads such as text ads, Display ads, Banner ads, Video ads etc .

The text ads is the simple form of ads. The text ads show in the form of Text with little tittle ,  short description and a link is going to the site . This types of ads see in the Google search.

The Display ads is mainly 3types such as 
1. Horizontal banner ads

2. Vertical skyscraper ads.

3. Wide skyscraper ads

The rich media ads  are seen in the format of image and video. 
The rich media ads are 3types such as:-
1. Dynamic image ads

2. Video ads

3. Standard ads.

The Dynamic image ads is animated in the form of Text that appears when the user scroll down. A link is given in the image to the client site.

Video ads is the 2types of ads

1. Standard ads

2. True view ads

Standard ads is the ads that show in the form of video. This ads is non-skipable ads upto 20 second.

But the true ads is the skipable ads . This ads are skip after 4 second. This ads seen in the mid position in your site. You can't skip this ads  before 4 second. This ads is high paying ads among all ads. It generates revenue in the position of total views and click on the ads. It is very reliable ads customized to user. It's paying revenue is depend upon total views and total click on the ads according to the CPC rate. The approximate the revenue for this ads is 0.10- 0.50 us dollars per click.

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