5G Network technology advantage and disadvantage
5G Network technology advantage and disadvantage details description
5G is the fifth generation wireless technology. It can provide higher speed, lower latency and great capacity than 4G LTE network. The 5G technology is introduced in 2016.
It is a new global wireless advanced network system. It is the advance version of 4G network.
In telecommunications 5G is the fifth generation technology standard for broadband cellular network. According to GSM association the 5G network user are become more than 1.7 billion between 2025.
The 5G network are cellular network, it divided into very small service area is divided into small geographical area called cells . All the 5G wireless internet network device in a cell is connected to the internet and telephone network by Radio waves through a local antenna in the cell.
The 5G network provide high speed network which is 10 gigabits per second. This 5G network is increased by using additional higher frequency radio waves in addition to the low and Medium band frequencies used in previous network.
5G network is divided into three parts Such as low-band, mid-band, and high-handed which waves 24GHz to 54GHz.
The low band 5G broadband internet network range is about 600-900 MHz . It benefits the download speed more higher than 4G network.
The mid band 5G network frequency is between 100-900 Mbit/s (2.3--4.7), each cell network providing service to several kilometres in radius.
The high band 5G network frequency is 24-47 GHz. It's network speed is very high .It's download speed is gigabits per second .
In the network spectrum ranging 24.25 - 29.5 GHz has been the most advanced and costly spectrum in the world. It is very critical to get license for 5G network. The 5G network speed of ranging from 50 Mbps to 1 Gbps . The 5G network provide 10 times faster internet speed than 4G.
The 5G network connection to a lot more end device maximum 1
million device per square kilometres. More job opportunities are created in employment sector. Many people are get job . The rural area people are able to use high speed internet network. But there is a problem ,the radio frequency may be create more problems to the human being and wild animals.
Ultimately, One object had both advantage and disadvantage . So 5G network has both advantage and disadvantage. But many Telecom companies are jointly working to overcome the disadvantage of 5G network. After few days 5G network are very helpful and reliable to use both rural and urban areas people. So don't worry be happy to use 5G network.